
Ways to work with Julia

How better Health & Wellbeing helps your Bottom Dollar

Research has found that improved mental wellness increases productivity in terms of business success. Absenteeism and Presenteeism (being at work but non-productive) is positively impacted when staff morale and wellbeing is high.

‘Happy team members were around 12% more productive than unhappy ones’.*1

‘Returns for every $1 invested into organisational wellbeing range from $2.30 through to $5’. *2

‘Cost of depression to Australian employers ... @ $6.3 billion p/a.’ *3

More benefits of Positive Staff Wellbeing

Relational: Happy staff stay and remain loyal. When they genuinely need to move on, staff with good relationships are less likely to badmouth their last employer or take clients with them.

Legal: Protecting your staff is a legal requirement as well as an ethical one. (Health & Safety at Work Act 2015)

Staff Retention: The cost of finding, hiring and onboarding new staff is more than just a financial headache. When you’ve found good people, keep them by actively supporting their wellbeing!

*1 University of Warwick *2 Rath & Harter, 2010 Price Waterhouse Coopers *3 Safework Australia

“The keynote speaker Julia Grace was QUALITY! Very easy to listen to with awesome take home ideas.”

Education Conference Attendee

“Julia has the ability to captivate and engage the audience from start to finish”

Admin Staff Conference, Mental Health Services

Julia’s message was very clear, easy to remember and apply and well delivered”

NYLD Nationwide Tour


Tailored for Individual Workplaces


Grab-Able Words: Easy language for better mental health conversations at work & home.
The Wobbly Point: Recognise & manage stress responses in your brain & body.
Jelly Buddies: Pre-plan your Support Network on the good days, ready for the tough days.


Sticky Words: Dealing Positively with Negative Feedback
Happy Habits: Neuroscience based tools for difficult moments at work & home
Firelighter or Firefighter: How to be a good friend to yourself & others in challenging circumstances


3 HIGHLY effective and ‘EASY’ science-based practices that will change your life
The mental health habit that gets EASIER the more you do it
Super Sleep: The practice requiring the LEAST amount of energy + tips to make it easier
Brilliant Boredom: the secret key to CREATIVITY that requires absolutely NOTHING!