3 starters for Mental Health conversations

Have you ever needed to raise the topic of mental health but didn’t know where to start? I’ve got your back.

Talking about big issues can be daunting but when you notice concerning changes in the wellbeing or behaviour of someone you care about, it’s time to talk. One way to make this easier is by having some conversation starters that can open the kōrero - think of them as a gentle diving board to help you jump in.

Here are 3 starters that may make the topic of tough stuff easier to begin.

I’ve noticed that you’re not quite your normal self lately and I just have to ask…

This may be a super awkward topic, but I’m going to tackle it anyway…

I can’t let myself finish this conversation without asking what could be a tricky question…

This gentle approach is similar to Edgar Schein’s ‘Humble Enquiry’ and I really love the concept that we can use our words, tone and body language to create space for people under pressure. 

In the meantime, much love in the process of being Kind to Your Mind and the Minds of others.

x Julia Grace

Be Kind to Your Mind


Riding the Anxiety Wave


Ever had a meltdown? I have!